Mentorship Program Coordinator

Georgia State University
Luke Roman is an alumnus of the Andrew Young School of Public Policy at Georgia State University. For much of his adult life, he has focused on working with marginalized populations and has focused his career on advocating for people with disabilities.
Prior to working at Georgia Tech, Luke engaged in a variety of fields, including criminal defense, and non-profit organizations, such as Medshare International. Luke interned at Excel on and off since its inception. After serving as a volunteer for 8 months, Luke joined the team as a Mentorship Coordinator in Spring of 2018. Luke assists with organization, implementation and provides the individualized support necessary for Excel students to thrive at Georgia Tech. He ensures mentors work with students to achieve academic success, develop a social network, and establish healthy and independent lifestyles. Luke collaborates an individualized Mentorship Team for each of the 38 students served by more than 120+ degree seeking Georgia Tech students.